No rest yet

Olivia took part in her first ever dance concert (as it was called) today at De Bosuil Theatre in Jezus-Eik, Brussels. She has been rehearsing for a long time and was confident that she would remember the steps, but I was slightly anxious as I wasn't sure how she would react to performing on a stage in front of a large audience. I shouldn't have worried as she took it all in her stride and was the first up on the stage waving confidently up to us all watching her.
When the dancers were in position and there was silence waiting for the music to start a little boy with a very loud voice shouted out "OLIVIA!" The audience turned in our direction and started laughing as little Dex was so excited to see his sister and was waving at her. He was then horrified by the attention and buried his head into Daddy and wouldn't look up, bless him.

Olivia performed beautifully and did a tap piece followed by a jazz piece and I got lots of nice photos of her dancing but none I felt I could use for my blip due to all the other children. However I really like this one of her turning to look for us in the audience. Afterwards she told me that she wasn't nervous at all but she did get a surprise at the number of people in the audience and she loved every dance and costume!

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