Vipers And Sandworms

On This Day In History
1942: War Relocation Authority is established in the United States

Quote Of The Day
"A viper is nonetheless a viper wherever the egg is hatched - so a Japanese American born of Japanese parents grows up to be a Japanese, not an American."
(from a Los Angeles Times editorial, 1942)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"A Jap is a Jap .... It makes no difference whether he is theoretically an American citizen, he is still a Japanese."
(Lt. General John L. DeWitt, commanding general of the western theater of operation.)

Vipers? Really? They look like very pleasant human beings to me. I hate racism!

I spent a very enjoyable afternoon at the cinema watching the incredible Dune 2 with N.F. Apparently, Denis Villeneuve is nervous about directing the third film, which will cover the events in Dune Messiah. He wants to end it as a trilogy of films, and who can blame him when things get so wild in Children Of Dune as Paul's grandson becomes a human-sandworm hybrid? Still, it would be awesome to see and I'll buy a ticket even if Villeneuve doesn't direct it.

In The Darkroom: This is a very interesting short documentary about the photographs taken by Dorothea Lange of the internees at U.S. concentration camps, most of which were witheld from public viewing for almost fifty years because they showed too much of the humanity and dignity of the internees.

Manzanar (Yuki): a beautiful song and video that tells the true story of child internee Yuki Okinaga Hawakawa.

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