The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Culture Vultures

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Kitty Cat and I went to see Vanya, a National Theatre Live showing at the Dominion this afternoon. Andrew Scott plays all of the characters and he is brilliant, just mesmerising.

That was the cultured part of my day. We went to the pub for a bite to eat with Kitty Cat, Marsh, Gladiator and Wolverine this evening. Gladiator announced that he wouldn’t want to live if his balls were blown up and gave us a variety of scenarios in which this might happen, Bunny Suicides style. The main cause of this injury seemed to be flying shrapnel which was also a deciding factor in his resolve never to consider the armed forces. An insight into the busy mind of a teenage boy. “Bet you didn’t have this conversation in your house,” said Kitty Cat. And she was right!

Marsh and The Prince were talking about recruiting new members of staff and Marsh said he has once employed someone in Poland who had ‘cocking in the kitchen’ as one of his hobbies. He worked there for months before someone told him the right word was ‘cooking’!

The grown ups (a loose term) stayed on after the boys went to home. I LOVE Sunday beers. It makes the weekend seem extra long.


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