A very busy day today.  Started off with an excellent QiGong session this morning, very much  needed.  Unfortunately I had to leave just a  little early because I started having a coughing fit.  Luckily though that was the only I had today so that is great.

Then after lunch we had the last Grange Photographic Society for this season.  The next one will be on 7th October.  It was the AGM and was therefore a little boring but a necessity.  For once I was brave and had my say.  I was suggesting that as interesting as the talks are, and some are really great, they need to have some sessions that are about photography and not just people showing the photographs they took at exotic and/or interesting places.  Some agreed with me but the old stalwarts really are not open to change much!!!

I now have photographs to prepare for the U3A Digital Camera Club on Thursday afternoon. 

The photo isn't brilliant as it is heavily zoomed in but I was rather pleased with it all the same, it has got more in it that I thought there would be.  

That's all from me, please do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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