Daffodils on the Kitchen Window Sill

Is there anything quite so cheery as the sight of freshly cut daffodils on the kitchen window sill? They are so bright and yellow that they seem to make their own light from within. Having them there is almost like leaving a light on in the kitchen.

When I was growing up, as one of my parents' six kids, in a house that was far too small for all of us, my mother left a light on in the kitchen. If the light was lit, that meant my mother was home. My mother is up in Heaven with my dad now, both of them walking with Jesus, but I have to tell you that I still love to see a light on in the kitchen.

Even if they are just daffodils.

Just daffodils.

My soundtrack song is Ashley McBryde, with Light on in the Kitchen. (Have you never heard of her before? Then you also need to watch these two videos: Brenda Put Your Bra On, and Gospel Night at the Strip Club.)

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