The sowing of the beetroot .

The sunshine called me outside early this morning and so the beetroot seeds , along with some sweet-pea seeds and sunflower seeds were Sown .Hopefully the shelter of the roughly made cloche will tempt the beetroot seeds to germinate .

Later , I had a call from one of my nieces asking me to go to a hospital appointment with her, seeing as we are several 100 miles apart I accompanied her by phone . What an interesting experience, she was having a scan as part of an investigation and she has realised that her brain freezes and she comes away with no memory of the conversation so she needed a companion. I listened in and took notes , the medical staff were very accommodating and it worked really well . To top it all, she got some really good news , it felt such a privilege to be “ present.” It’s good to have something to smile about!

The extra is of a photo I took for our next door neighbour. A newly married couple moved in just before Christmas, the husband has just moved to this country , both their families opposed the marriage and he , in particular, is feeling lonely and isolated . We are going out walking tomorrow as he enjoys being outdoors and is a dog lover . ( I hope Bramble behaves! )
I have been telling him about our local green gym as I know the people are very welcoming and it’s a good way to get to know folk. I was hoping to join myself but they meet on Thursdays which is one of our grandparenting days . They are a lovely , warm and friendly couple , how sad that their families are choosing to reject rather than rejoice ! Life’s too blooming short for such nonsense.

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