Can you tell what this is?!!

Photography Show today at the NEC. Lovely to have a brief meet up with Technophobe, Loose Canon and others including Graham Colling. It was nice to be able to thank Graham in person for the work the blip custodians do behind the scenes.
Another thrill was meeting Julianne Kost from Adobe. She is my main source for Lightroom tutorials, she explains everything so clearly and thoroughly. I was able to have a complete fangirl moment and she shook my hand.
So, purchases. If you are wondering what my blip is, it's the case for Smoke Genie filled with dry ice effect smoke. The smoke is generated from a derivative of vegetable oil and on this setting it hung around for ages. It should be great for Rob's miniature photography. You might find it's a foggy day in Crimbletown this year!
I may have bought a new camera, watch this space.

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