The Love of the Hunt

We had no idea how much sea glass and old pottery we collected yesterday. It is always fun to wash it and separate it. My sister did a nice job. I found the two white pieces (top right quadrant) that have handles and look like the top part of vinegar cruets. They were cute. I worked on sewing this morning. Took the hem out of a new pair of slacks but I have to purchase the binding to re-hem them. We had nine wild turkeys visit today, three gobblers and six hens. They were too far away for me to get a good picture. The gobblers were strutting, trying to impress the ladies. The girls weren’t impressed; they continued eating breakfast and ignored their suitors. We cleaned the kitchen, made lunch, cleaned it again. Sometimes we feel like we never leave the kitchen. My sister has a new project. She was given an antique cabinet that belonged to our long ago deceased cousins. She may simply clean it and “distress” it a bit- the current look in homes today. Hubby and our BIL stayed close to the fireplace. The temps are in the mid 30°F. We have had light snow showers most of the day with no accumulation of course. The wind is biting when we take Sugar out. Lauren says River is no longer itching. His hives have turned a purplish color so he looks worse than yesterday. I guess this is the natural progression of an allergic reaction. Just glad the fever and terrible itch are gone. So is everyone else. We’ll enjoy a quiet evening with an easy leftover dinner thanks to hubby who brought us cottage pie and corned beef from the Knights’ event. Sending wishes for a pleasant evening at your end. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit and continued prayers.
“Washed Ashore:
The Beauty In Being Broken
Sea glass is beautiful.
It is raw, unabashed, and lives wholly in its truth.
The keeper of untold stories.
Everyone loves sea glass, And everyone wants to find sea glass,
But no one wants to become sea glass.
Once discarded pieces, shattered and lost. Worn and shaped by the howling sea,
Where waves ravage, and caress in equal measure.
You are sea glass, wild, and free in creation.
Everything else is just the rise and fall of the midnight tide.
Let your sea-kissed heart wash ashore.”
Jeannie Bass

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