When I opened my front curtains at around 9am this morning I spotted some workmen.  One of them dumped a cone on the road in front of my driveway.  I think someone must have " tipped them the wink " that today's Mono Monday theme is " Cone or Pyramid ".  So I had an easy blip.  However its not a very good shot as I took it through the window and the sun was very bright.  ( I was surprised to see how sunny it was at 9am ).  Thanks to stujphoto for hosting.

The workmen weren't in the street long - they quickly filled in a couple of potholes and then they were off.

After breakfast I wrote a letter and Easter card  and then I headed down to the village to go to the Post Office to post them.  They were going to my pen-friend in Malta. ( We have been writing to each other since around 1964 ... although we keep in touch more through Facebook these days.) Then I did some food shopping and collected 4 parcels in Tesco.

One of the parcels contained an Easter plate.  I knew it was broken as soon as the cashier in Tesco handed me the parcel as I could hear bits of china clinking around.  So I wasn't surprised to find that it was indeed  broken when I opened the box at home.  The seller had written FRAGILE on the box but I'm sure Evri took no notice of that.  And I have to say that the plate wasn't really well protected as it was only wrapped in one layer of bubble wrap inside the box.  Anyway I informed the seller and got a full refund including postage.  But of course I would rather have a lovely unbroken Easter plate.

The sun didn't last until the afternoon and when I went to the village it was overcast and it wasn't all that warm.  But it was a dry day which is a plus point.

Steps today - 6,735

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