The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

George does yoga

After work, I went home, and a while later, Tessa (from the India holiday) picked me up and took me to Annie's (she was also in India with us). Annie lives in a co-housing project, and they have a 'common house' for entertaining, including a large sitting room  with comfy  sofas and a drop-down screen. Annie was showing 'All about Eve' from the National Theatre at home streaming series. It was the recent version with Gillian Anderson as the older actress. We all agreed it was very good, (and better than I had imagined). The other viewers were nice, and Annie plied me with wine and invited us back to her house afterwards for tea. 

We met her husband George, swapped takes about travel, and then the cat started doing Yoga on Annie's lap. She is a very fine, fluffy cat who last featured in my blip of 4 February this year.

The others think I should have waited for Camilla to announce her next tour, and gone with that, but they are all retired and do not have to think about booking leave months ahead of time, nor about travelling with a less experienced traveller who has a couple of health issues, which is the case with my school friend. I'd rather that she were comfortable than thrown in at the deep end (and I don't want any more cold beds). 

Went to bed after I'd taken my blood pressure twice, again. I started out by doing the readings wrong (I wasn't sitting upright with my feet on the floor) so I had to start again last Friday. So far it feels like day 468. 

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