
The sunshine through the windows at first light encouraged me to do some Lidl shopping before breakfast. I was expecting Granddaughter and Greatgranddaughter to visit for coffee this morning and I asked daughter#1 to come as well if she could. There was no doubt that Julia was the Queen Bee. She behaved beautifully sitting in her high chair with her babyccino, little bites of her mother’s scone and latterly with orange segments which gave her the ‘soor ploom’ look. She was liberal with her thank yous and pleases and is a confident happy little girl which I put down to her mother and father’s parenting skills.

They all departed en masse and I was left with my own company and a quiet house.
A little robin perched on the garden bench and eyed me through the window. It was a welcome sight as small birds are not regular visitors here. We tend to get lots of crows and wood pigeons.

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