Bus Challenge No 207

“417 people were killed, another 1,000 were injured and more than 19,000 buildings were damaged in Bath on April 25-26, 1942. More commonly known as the Bath Blitz, the city was bombed as part of the Baedeker raids carried out by the Nazis in World War Two.

Fast forward to 2019, it is difficult to find locations in Bath that still bear the scars of war. There is, however, one building in particular that acts as a kind of memorial to that terrible past - Bath's old Labour Exchange, off James Street West. Here you can see the shrapnel-scarred facade of the structure as it was, nearly 80 years on. A few years ago, a plaque was put up on the building as a memorial to those who died on that fateful weekend.” https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/somerset-news/tale-shrapnel-scarred-building-bath-3164188

Today’s bus challenge was threefold: to get into Bath and back in two hours, to pick up an online order, and to discover a new bit of the city’s history. And I managed it, by the skin of my teeth, though I only had 14 minutes in town.

 A very difficult start to the day so the two hour break was very welcome/needed. This afternoon a visit from a former pupil of Dad’s who brought the most amazing homemade chocolate cake (I ate four slices!), followed by a visit from the physiotherapist (discovered I went to school with his wife, and Dad knew his father-in-law from his rugby days!).

Total bus journey time = 1hr 1min

Thank you so much for all your kind stars and hearts for yesterday’s first bee of the year blip.

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