Dia Del Padre

It's Father's Day here today, so the kids had made Danny cards. 
Nate and I walked to school again, then I walked home with the Paraguayan mom. She shared more of her story with me. The majority of the morning was spent finishing up the essay (which I've just submitted!). We had a message through from someone connected to 24-7 Prayer who was on the island and wanted to meet up, so I saw her for a coffee during siesta time. Lovely to meet her. Then an opticians trip for Nate which turned out to be trickier than imagined as his right eye is extremely bad. So it's a more complex road ahead sorting that and further appointments are needed and asap. Poor lad is feeling nervous at the prospect of it. 
CC tonight, good to catch up with Claire.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The optician quickly realising Nate was nervous and being so so brilliant with him. 
2) Danny helping me cut down my word count and polish the essay.
3) The various women in today - including a message from an astrologer who lives here and met 24-7 on the mainland, and wants some friends and community. 

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