love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

That old serpent

Found this guy out by the chicken house. A nonvenomous black racer. Surprising that he was out due to our frost and below freezing temps early this morning, but it did warm up to the 50’s pretty quickly. He was moving very slowly. I’m sure he was mouse hunting and that’s a good thing as they are abundant around and in the coop. He might eat an egg or two but that’s a low price for the mouse extermination.
He was about 6 feet long and beautiful. However, I will attempt to relocate him if he becomes a problem.
Slow day today. I did a little work with plants, repotting and planted some sunflowers. J’s cousin came and got compost for her plantings. Mercy knows between the horses and the birds, we have plenty! :—)
Be blessed

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