Through the Window
Just a quick photo through the window of the Lesser Goldfinch before I left to volunteer in Ellie's classroom; I am amazed at how much these little kindergarteners are learning. They were spelling three-letter words and reading sentences. They moved quickly from one activity to the next; most of the kids followed directions quickly, and some were on the sidelines in their own world. I don't know how these kiddos follow the teacher's lead in ignoring the disruptive children. I am even learning to let a child have a meltdown without fixing the situation. I am not sure this is the best strategy, but it is the school policy. Another policy is that we can't hug kids, but the little darlings are always hugging one told me I could let them hug me. Volunteering 20 years ago in my grandchildren was so much easier; the kiddos all paid attention and no big drama in the classroom. If a child misbehaved, they were sent to the principal's office.
I went grocery shopping while Ellie was at her dance class but I got in the wrong line and I was a few minutes late picking her up. I was proud of her, she was waiting patiently for tears or upset!! Good for her.
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