
I spent much of the day at nearby Leighton Moss. Bitterns were “booming” (the name for their “song”), the marsh harriers were “ skydancing” (the name for their courtship display), and there were many other signs that it is Spring and life is responding.

I tried photographing harriers skydancing, but found it impossible to focus, they are just too quick. An example is in the extras - a male trying to impress a nearby female with some quick twirling. So I’ve settled for a drake teal for today’s image, close up the plumage is in my eyes quite beautiful.

There must have been well over a hundred children at the site today, ranging from primary school to teens. I was trying to focus on a marsh tit as one group passed, and a teacher apologised for the group being noisy. I told her it didn’t bother me at all, it’s great to see kids out enjoying nature and having fun. It’s how it should be.

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