...your GP surgery is when there is no-one else there!  I had made an appointment for a Medication Review at my GP Surgery some weeks ago - and was surprised when I arrived to find only one other person in the waiting area and before very long found that Mr. HCB and I were the only ones left.

When I was called in, and we started chatting, I don’t know who was more thrilled, my GP when I told her that I had cut down my medication from 18 tablets a day following my back surgery, to just ONE a day, or me, when she told me that for my age, not to be on any medication was amazing!  Of course, I did mention, as he was sitting next to me, that Mr. HCB was also in that position, so double congratulations were in order!

She said I had done really well and she was delighted that this was such a positive consultation - so now I can concentrate on getting my strength back.  Having looked at my NHS notes the other evening, all the information relating to last Friday was already on my notes, so Dr. E knew about the incident and said it sounded as if I had fainted in the shower “probably through lack of nourishment” and I was inclined to agree with her.  She was also delighted that I am losing weight and another blood test for my cholesterol will be done in May.  

So a win/win day - not quite as good with the postponement of the appointment for my other issues, when the earliest I can be seen is 30th May - but I can live with that.  

We are so blessed with our lovely GPs and the receptionists - all of whom are so kind - in fact, they are "Simply the Best", and as I need to keep reminding us, we have instant access to great medical care and we don’t need to walk 50 miles to get it!  

P.S.  Many thanks for all your kind comments, stars and hearts, which are very much appreciated.

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