Chasing Sheep is Best Left to Shepherds

I felt glum yesterday and hence no photos taken. The day ended well though with an impromptu invitation to Finola, Noah and Phoebe (Robert's son and daughter) to come for supper. We were delighted that they said yes and we had an enjoyable evening in spite of one person obviously missing. Noah and Phoebe are being absolute rocks for there is so much to organise. I think Robert is going to get a magnificent West Cork send-off.
I struggled with yet another grant application this morning, the last one, and then had enough and we decided on a big walk - the sun actually shining and the day warm and glorious. We did the Cahergal loop where Veronica came a cropper and I made her continue and walk to the ruins sorry Veronica. The going was treacherous - so wet and boggy and skiddy. One of us managed to land on their arse and get completely wet and filthy. It looked magnificent everywhere but we'd forgotten just how rugged it all is  - see extra where there is a very useful rope to help you across quite a precipice with waves crashing below! 

We didn't meet a soul yet there were larks ascending and choughs wheeling. Talking of which you might enjoy Nestflix (sadly not my original name) and a sneaky peek at nesting choughs! Oddly hypnotic, if they turn up, and the nest is actually in the barn of a friend of ours. 

And it's the equinox.

Chasing sheep is best left to shepherds   - turn up loud and cavort. If you haven't seen the Draughtsman's Contract you should. 

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