A Boat at Blakeney

I went over to Blakeney this morning for a U3A event, going early so I could walk down to the harbour for a photo for blip. The event was talk and music by Saffron Summerfield, a folk singer / songwriter who was the first woman to set up her own independent record label in the UK. It covered her career from the late 60’s up to the late 70’s only. I really enjoyed it. I was extra interested as she grew up in an area that became part of Milton Keynes, I grew up in a town that became part of MK and her mum owned a shop there and Saffron went to my school. 

I spend all afternoon skim reading the 97 documents (some c100 pages long) which form the planning application by Greshams for Holt Hall and fields, including sport pitches in the field to the side of my property. I’ve drafted comments which I’ll finish tomorrow which is the deadline. I was livid as I’ve been waiting as a neighbour to be notified that the planning application had been submitted or to see a planning notice in the road outside. I even looked on the planning website recently and couldn’t find anything (my mistake?). I found out about it this morning completely by accident. I set off for Blakeney and realised I’d not taken my coat off, so pulled over at the entrance to Holt Hall and whilst taking my coat off I spotted a little sign, investigated and saw it was the planning notice. I rang the council when at Blakeney and the receptionist wouldn’t put me through to the planning dept, but confirmed feedback was due tomorrow. I asked her to get the planning officer to ring me about the lack of notification, which she did at 4. She’ll raise it with her boss. I’ve attached an extra showing the view of the entrance to HH as seen from the road, see if you can spot the notice! I’ve already spotted inaccuracies, inconsistencies and omissions in the documents, which vary in places from what I was told verbally, and will limit my feedback to the sports pitches and sports pavilion and energy centre visible from my bungalow bedroom windows. 

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