Cleveland is a center of culture!

Most people are probably not aware of it, but Cleveland is a mecca of culture for people interested in art, music, science, and more. One part of the city, the Wade Park Oval, is the location of the recently renovated art museum, the Natural History Museum, the Botanical Garden, Case Western Reserve University, Severance Hall (the home of the Cleveland Orchestra, and that's only a sampling. This afternoon, after my photography class, Bob and I took a walk around the Oval. That's where I took this picture of a future patron of the arts. The building in the background is the Museum of Art. I posted more pictures from the walk in my flickr gallery.

Edit: Sefferdog reminded me that I forgot to include the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in my (admittedly incomplete) listing above. He's right. It is another of Cleveland's cultural icons that brings many visitors to our city on the Lake.

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