
On This Day In History
1980: President Carter announces Olympic boycott

Quote Of The Day
" .... if the Olympics are not held in Moscow because of Soviet military aggression in Afghanistan, this powerful sign of world outrage cannot be hidden from the Soviet people, and will reverberate around the globe. Perhaps it will deter future aggression."
(Jimmy Carter in a letter to Robert Kane, the president of the U.S. Olympic Committee.)

Nice idea, Jimmy. A shame it didn't work.

In the same letter, President Carter went on to suggest that in order to prevent future arguments about who gets to host the Olympics every four years, that a permanent venue be established in Greece, for the summer Olympics, and somewhere else for the winter Olympics. I wonder if he foresaw the situation now in which practically no city is willing to host the Olympics due to the enormous cost involved?

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the Earth."
(Genesis 9:13) 

Rainbow Connection

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