You Are A Barcode
Congratulations Joe. Your application
has been approved. You have become
a barcode. Welcome to our clan.
Now we can track and trace
you and ensure you suit our plan.
For starters, let's insure you
- your home, your life and Jilly, your wife.
And let's not ignore your car and kids.
(You have a daughter, Sarah, but we know
there's a little man on the way.
You could call him Cody or Barry perhaps?
No, we're not joking).
Incidentally, Joe,
it's time to quit smoking.
We want you to live for a very long time.
Don't forget to consider care home provision.
Regarding offspring, it is a good idea
to opt into our 'Invest In Their Future' scheme.
Sarah and Cody/Barry will thank you for it
when it's time to go to university or marry.
Help them live their dream.
Well, that's enough to be going on with. We
just wanted to welcome you to the organisation
(we like to think of it as a 'family' though)
and let you know we'll be monitoring you,
in a 'caring' way, just to see how things go.
Good luck
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