The cards are on the table.

I would like to thank all of you for your stars, hearts, and good wishes for my 4,000th blip yesterday. I haven't quite made it to number one on the popular page, but still happy to be in this amazing blip family. 
I was in the gym early this morning, as J was going to Llandow on his motorbike. Cath & Des arrived not long after, and then Gwen( John's wife) arrived, We don't see her often, so she suggested we go for a coffee, which we did. Vic phoned me yesterday, to say he wouldn't be there today as his car has gone into the garage for repairs. I left much later than usual, so I had to catch a later bus home. I saw this book in a charity shop window, and thought you would want to see it:- } J was already home , so we had  a coffee and swapped our news from this morning's catch up. 

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