Waiting for the “procedures”

I had a busy night of dreams. I was listening to a podcast of Jacqueline Wilson, the children’s author when I fell asleep. One dream was of Northumbrian friend Val who moved last year to be near her daughters in Cheshire. We were in a classroom and she was telling me she was writing children’s books and showed me a Ladybird Janet and John book. She spoke in a posh voice which I queried. She said it had to be like that to promote her books. (I think the posh voice dream probably relates to Nathaniel as he’s had a call-back for a part in a play which required RP!)

Mr C delivered me to the plastic surgery unit at Wansbeck which is where I took the blip. I had to be there for 11.30 so had long enough to wait to induce anxiety. I was first on the afternoon list and went in at 1.40 and was out at 2.10. Mr Khan said he thought I looked like one of the Golden Girls. )I have since looked them up). He then gave me a jab in the chest and another on the nose and set to with his cutting. I had to wait for 30 minutes then got discharged. Mr C met me and drove us home. The nose hurts a bit. I’ve to do no heavy lifting for 2 weeks and need to keep the dressings on for 2 weeks, then put vaseline on the nose 3 times a day for 3 weeks. The chest has to get silicon gel applied for 12 weeks. I hope I can remember all that! They’ll do biopsies and if I don’t hear anything it means all is well. Phew I’m glad it is done - all my own doing as in the 60s we’d never heard of skin cancer and slathered ourselves in olive oil to fry in the sun.

I’m going to do nothing at all for the rest of the day. Apart from read “The Island of Missing Trees”. It’s set in Cyprus where we lived from 1971-74.

I’ve caught up with University Challenge. Mr C was very impressed last night as he thought I got more of UCL’s answers than they did. I can’t do any of the science questions though.

Thank you for the stars and hearts for yesterday. It’s grey and wet here again.

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