Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Love is a many splendored thing...

Love is a many splendored thing,
It comes in all shapes and sizes.
It's not what it is, but what it brings:

I love my frisbee rings.

(nearly as much as tennis balls.)

I swam in open water this morning and was dive-bombed by swallows - Nutter I maybe Cailleach -but how often do you see swallows two foot away? It was fair windy and I discovered I am too small for my old wetsuit BUT too big for my new one. Mm. Diet, methinks. If you see me eating chocolate (oh how I love chocolate) tell my mum, Snotty me, because I do it entirely unconsciously and have no idea how it ends up in my mouth - before I know where I am, I am sitting at my desk at work eating a Snicker, Twix or Caramel. It's as if I am under a chocolate induced spell.

Here is the link to the sponsorship site DavzoBroon. And thank you again. I really appreciate it!

This looks good large :)

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