
By NellyO


Not brilliantly focused (the camera on the phone really struggles with close-up) but it gives you a good idea of how well the blackcurrants are coming along now on the allotment - I reckon we'll be able to harvest some in the next week or so.

We had a good couple of hours on the allotment - no fresh digging, so the euphemistically-titled 'wildflower meadow' at the end still remains, but we did loads of weeding of the already-planted bits, so it's looking much better. The current progress report is as follows:

Potatoes: all 24 we planted are growing nicely, signs of flowers on a few of them. Also a random potato we didn't plant (so presumably it's one we missed when we dug over the plot earlier in the year) has appeared where I planted the garlic.
Garlic: not a thing - I obviously left it too late to plant. But at least there will be a random potato to show for it.
Celeriac: not doing brilliantly. Some have been eaten (some of the other plotholders think the rabbits have got in somehow).
Courgette: two out of the four are showing little proto-courgettes - hooray!
Blackcurrant: see photo. Very exciting!
Spinach beet: looking much better than I thought they would when I planted them out - about 13 plants, coming along nicely, and now no longer choked with weeds.
Brussels: most of them were eaten by something or other (presumably the wascawwy wabbits) but 4 remain so we netted them up today (note to self: net them at the same time as planting them out next year).
Quinoa: 2 out of the 3 have survived and seem to be doing OK.
Beans: holding their own, and a couple seemed to have a few flower buds. They're not growing up though, yet. I might plant out another lot of beans next to them next week.

So still to do: weed and dig over the bit at the end, plant out stuff that's currently in the greenhouse (beans, onions, 2 types of courgette, radish, romanesco cauliflour). That will probably just about fill the plot I reckon, and hopefully we'll have something to show for it later in the year :)

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