
Those jolly japesters at Sainsbury's love nothing more than a good chuckle, here is an example of their cheerful pranking. This is their Finest Breaded Cod Loin, it's a smashing bit of fish, very tasty. And look at where the fun-loving dudes have put the cooking instructions, that's right - they are on the reverse of the label. The last place you might think of looking. They can't be seen when the tray is full and there is nothing on the outside - which has lots of text - to indicate where the instructions can be found. This leads to all sorts of fun & games, tipping the packaging this way and that, to find out what temperature the oven should be at and how long they need. Useful information when planning what to cook, and when, to go with the fish.

Oh how I laughed...  

This picture is tonight, I opened it last night and had the first bit of fish. Tonight I had it with a bit of cheese sauce, some handmade oven chips, and mushy peas. And, for future reference, 20 minutes at 200 degrees

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