Night Eyes

"The reason cats’ night vision is so excellent is because of the intelligent design of their eyes. They possess a curved cornea and large lens, and in low light their pupils can dilate to full circles to allow in maximum light.

Additionally, the photoreceptors in cats’ eyes are completely different to humans. Cats have more rods – which are responsible for night, peripheral vision and motion sensing, whereas humans possess more cones which make them better at seeing colours and daylight.

The high number of rods in cats’ eyes also mean that they can see better in dimmer light, but they don’t see as well as humans in bright light.

As well as that, cats have a tapetum, which is a reflective layer of tissue that reflects light back to the retina. This layer of reflective tissue bounces light back to the sensory cells, allowing the retina to receive more than 50% of the light available. The tapetum is also why your cats’ eyes seem to glow when you take a photo of them with flash or see their eyes reflected by headlights." ~purina

For the Record
This day came in with rain that continued all day. Our tiny leak in the loft did not leak after the heavy rain of today. So glad we finally found someone willing to come out for a small job and was that they were successful. It was a rubber seal on the plumbing vent on the roof. the seal was cracked and split after 20 plus years.

All hands cozy and dry

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