Boneyard Beach

This beach was one of the main attractions for me coming to Amelia Island.  Famous for the washed up dead rotting trees.  The shapes are amazing. 

When the weather was a bit overcast last night I took lots of pictures, some long exposures, and the plan is to use them as mono.

This morning I couldn't resist going back to take a different type of picture in the bright conditions.  Its quite a hike to get there but worth it, 

Its just possible this could be my last blip until I get home, as  technology has been challenging and its taking me too long to get my blip sorted and loaded.  Memory card issues, cable to laptop issues, broken mouse  etc.  I may end up leaving them until I get home, although I'll give it a quick try as I've found some pelicans who want to be tomorrow's blip! 

And I'm also meeting up with my old friend EzHighway tomorrow (some long time blippers may remember him).

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