Living my dream

By Mima

Morning light

The light on the hillside on the other side of the valley caught my eye as I walked out of the truck this morning. The big clouds were dropping rain onto the next valley but one to our south, but they never arrived here. 

It's been another enjoyably busy day, unevenly divided between garden (watering and picking) and kitchen (cleaning, chopping, cooking, creating). 

I have been reminding myself today of my good fortune to be here: something I've been less than thankful for recently, for some reason. Life gets in the way of being grateful for one's lot from time to time...

It turns out that the 'disappearing cattle' of a few days ago were in fact some of the lovely Herefords who were admiring Bean earlier in the week. They were let out of their paddock by pissed rugby players on Wednesday night. Trouble is afoot for those sportsmen...

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