
I had a physio appointment at 12 today - my usual physio Lisa was fully booked till second week of April so took an appointment with Johnny a recently qualified physio . He was very thorough in his tests of the feet and legs, there for an hour. I got some ultrasound in my outer thigh and inner thigh. Where the problem is and affecting the side of the knee. Heartened to hear not the knees! I need to strengthen my glutes and have four exercises to do. Back in a fortnight.

Walked into town later to get some stuff for Cameron birthday. He was meant to be in London for a baseball final with the club he is in but it was postponed so he came home after his game last night which was good as will see him on Sunday.

Laura sent me this. Seemingly you can put a name into You Tube video and a video plays with the persons name. It was hilarious. Not his birthday till Monday though.

We watched an old film never seen - The Talented Mr Ripley. Nice to see locations in Italy we have been to.

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