
in my front garden :)

I haven't seen them flowering since 2021 according to my blip anyway - though the leaves have come up every year!

Cafe Church this morning which was all about teaching centred on Jesus.  We had some really good discussions round the tables :)

I wasn't going to do much today, but as two of my neighbours had cut their grass whilst I was at church, I thought I'd make an effort.  I've just really tidied up the front grass, as the grape hyacinths were really getting too much.  I've left the lower ones in what seems to have originally been a flowerbed.  

Its very difficult to know what to do at the front due to the wretched council insisting we have wheelie bins here - and here we have steps up to the house!  I will have to build some sort of housing for the bins right at the front so that they don't fall over as I'm not pulling the bin all the way round the back up steps :(  I understand rubbish won't be collected for two weeks, and that's fine as I only ever put one bag out per week at the moment anyway - but to have an enormous bin I'm not going to fill....  They say they've checked, but they can't have done.  I'm going to complain....

Anyway, back to the grindstone on the job hunt tomorrow (and signing back up for jobcentreplus :(:()

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