Day 179: My 31st Birthday

My day started off brilliantly, with the giant cookie pictured above for breakfast.

Good times.

McCombers got me some awesome birthday presents, highlights included, a new pair of Lounge Trousers.(Iron Man), and a Kindle Fire HD, with a Tardis Case! It's awesome!

I have been debating about buying one for months now, so was very pleased.

McCombers then took me to Codonas for an afternoon of fun. We played air hockey (she won) Bowling (I won) and mini golf (she won). And then went to see Despicable Me 2.
I do realise that makes me sound like a 7 year old, but I don't care! I had an ace day!

For Dinner we went to Nawabs on summer street for a fantastic curry, afterwards we had a couple of drinks in town then called it a night. I'm not as young as I sued to be so bed was calling!

Cracking birthday!!

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