
After the exertions and excitement of the last couple of days at Legoland, today has been rather slow and laid back.

We packed up and drove home - arriving back late morning.

A short walk to get some fresh air - found a few little daisies growing at the side of the footpath. This one seemed to be a perfect specimen, no bits dropped off or chewed! It has nice bright petals. I am a little bit annoyed about that piece of grass sticking up in front of the flower - I didn’t notice it in the rush to get a shot :-(

While we have been away with our daughter, her dogs have been staying in kennels not far from our house. So later this afternoon we are picking them up and having them to stay for a few nights before they go home. They have never stayed in kennels before so I am not really sure what to expect when they get here - they will either be dog-tired and sleep or they will be very excited to be out..and possibly very noisy!!

Think I have managed to catch up blip journals.

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