4 + 1

3years 252days

After the excitement of yesterday we deliberately didnt plan a hugely busy day. After her early night last night we were up a bit early too so we were plenty ready when it was late enough to set off for the swimming pool. We had a lovely swim the two of us before a quick breakfast in the cafeteria.

She sat with her friends at church today - getting so big! Moving to sit with your friends instead of sitting beside mummy is a rite of passage I remember. Although she and they are not quite big enough to be sitting away from anyone's mummy - one of us is always in the row behind them! They had fun in "girls room". Its rather lovely because the group size is definitely growing, so she's made even more friends at church. The children, big and little, played hide and seek after the service before we headed home. She was wearing her new Maclaren tshirt so lots of the adults were talking to her about the racing, to her delight.

Since we got home it's been a chilled out time. She asked to have some yogurt mid afternoon. The only yogurt we had was a large Onken tub. She ate some and was going to put it back. I said "just a bit more" and she said "3?". I suggested she try 5. She did counting of them.... 1+1 is... 2+1 is... up to the 5. She then ate another 5 doing the take aways before eating another 5 to "do the adds again".

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