And So It Begins

Most of the prep work for decorating the spare room is now done and tomorrow I will apply the undercoat ready for painting. Brian has sprayed stain block on the areas that needed it and painted the ceiling tiles whilst I sanded the gloss areas ready for tomorrow. Ceiling painting would be like asking for a migraine if I were to attempt it.

Once the work was done and we'd had showers it was lunchtime, and time for a break before we had the dreaded task of taking Minstrel to the vet for his vaccinations and a bit of a check up, which he passed with flying colours. The car journeys were as traumatic as ever for him and therefore for us. At least it's done for another year.

The stain block that Brian used upstairs is disgusting. The fumes/smell of it is so strong, I can not only taste it, I can feel it in my mouth. It's making me feel ill and I'm worried it will affect Minstrel too. We've opened the window and closed the door to the room, and Brian has put a bowl of water in there to absorb the fumes but it's still evil!

I was actually glad to go out again to Sainsbury's for grocery shopping! I could relax now if it wasn't for the heady, acidic miasma permeating the entire house.

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