
By cowgirl

You must think we were born yesterday!

A popular expression over here in the UK, but actually little guinea pigs, I happen to know you were born this morning!

We took Sav's mum out for brunch to a place we randomly picked called The Nosebag. Seems we are some of the last people to hear about this place as it was packed with people having a traditional fried breakfast. Not one's to rock the boat, we also tucked in to traditional, no fuss, English fried breakfasts.

It was a rural kind of place, a little wooden hut on a main road, but once you turned into the car park the road was obscured by a huge hedge and there were pigs, chickens and guinea pigs in various pens dotted about the place.

Having heard there were baby guinea pigs, we went out to see if we could see them and the owner let me open the hutch to have a cuddle with the teeny tiny little cuties.

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