
By simonslife

Meet Logan

A two-year-old pedigree whippet, can’t you tell by that expression. I dog sat Logan whilst his owner L attended a short meeting. This was time enough for Logan to remove every crumb in sight and beyond. Who knew that whippets ate humbugs?
A rather damp dreary day weather wise, however I enjoyed a nice stroll with L and Logan with a hot mug of tea in the Panier market before heading home.
The rest of my day seem to be taken up, trying to organise some physiotherapy and a doctors appointment to re-organise my medication, and for somebody to assess my progress.
I did manage to organise a telephone appointment for Tuesday afternoon with my GP.
Physiotherapy situation doesn’t look great . I was told by my consultants Coordinater that she was way behind but will do her best and get back to me as soon as possible. A very similar message to that of seven days ago.
In the evening I had the pleasure of an enjoyable and inspiring conversation with a well loved blipper and her husband.

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