Touring The Fife Coast

The weather has become more like spring and the days have become much longer. All beneficial to lifting the spirit and ‘taking the car for a run’.

Our first stop was Crail. Pat thought that we could have coffee and cake at the Crail Harbour Gallery which includes a Café & Coffee Shop.

The extra gives a glimpse of the gallery interior. None of the walls are vertical. None of the floors are horizontal. All are formed from stone and rock. It is a very much a puzzle full of surprises.

The coffee and the chocolate cake were excellent.  Pat reported that the gluten free scone was very tasty.

The entry shows some of the Crail Little Houses which have been saved and restored by the National Trust for Scotland.

Crail is a very interesting place to a walk around and full of photographic opportunities.

I was approached by a member of the Probus Club that I had addressed about Scotland’s Sacred Places. He introduced me to his ‘better half’ and was very complementary about my presentation.

It is always very cheering to be given compliments.

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