The Orient Express

By koko

Vet day and more

Being involved with pat dog means having to represent the charity sometimes, so when the local vets asked for some pat dogs for a few hours to help out with their open day they had today to celebrate the first year of opening, i went along. Where they got plenty of attention, Mexxi, pictured has got a big fondness for children and followed one small girl around loving every minute, also pictured with Mexxi is my friend who i'm glad popped in to visit especially as it was her first day back from a lovely sunny holiday, so it was great to catch up. In the right top corner is the scene after the gazebo took off in the wind, notice no men around to help but luckily my other friend in the yellow was first to make the grab.
My afternoon was then spent at the nature reserve where the bottom two beauties were spotted, a four spotted chaser and skimmer.

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