Another man that can

Back in the gales our satellite dish gave up the ghost.  I thought it had just got blow of line, but when the ground finally got firm enough to put my ladder up safely (yesterday) I took a closer look and saw that the LNB (low-noise block downconverter – I had to look it up too) was broken.
So last night I bit the bullet and looked for someone to replace it for me – I just would not trust myself on the roof anymore.
So I wound up on ‘’ and was impressed with the service.  Paul, the chap in the blip photo, was on the phone to me before I could look at another screen.  Gave me a price about where I expected it (not preferred it though) so I booked him there and then.  A bit of embarrassment as I was expecting his email, and one turned up in seconds quoting the same price and time, so I excepted.  Pity it was a second contractor.  Lots of egg on my face as I had to go back to the second contractor and APOLOGISE!!
While Paul was here I got him to replace the terrestrial aerial while he was at it – gave me a good price as he was already on site.  You can see the ‘finished job’ at ‘extras’.
I couldn’t decide which shot to blip.  The finished job to me is the better image, but the man at work is the main point of the blip.  So I asked Mrs W who firmly stated that she much preferred the man with the legs – who am I to argue . . .
Sainsburys have 25% off wine at the moment so I thought I would make a special trip.  I’m please to say that I saved £25.  Should keep us going for a couple of months.

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