Sporting a stupendous hangover (thanks for the great evening, guys!), this morning, in a fit of madness, decided to tackle a job I've put off for months now; painting the front window.
I don't mind painting so much; like photography, it's soothing, methodical and requires patience. What I dislike is the preparation - sanding, filling holes and priming. Awful job.
Anyway, now I've finally bitten the bullet and got the prepping out of the way, I can give it a few coats after work this week then the job will be done.
This afternoon I did some gardening, after that I walked into town.
There as a lot to see; clearing up after the Full Moon party (I sat and chatted to the woman who organised it, lovely lady, full of enthusiasm).
'Spekkie' and 'Vlekkie' the urban pigs, happy as pigs in, um, mud. Spekkie (or was it Vlekkie?) rummaging and finding and chomping on a worm (I kid you not, it slid in his mouth in like a strand of spaghetti).
The beer festival, and then onto a number of musical performances at Cafe Joris, to commemorate their fifth anniversary.
Just a few of the many things to celebrate.
And living in a fun city.
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