The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Highland home

Well, you don't have to go to the Highlands and Islands to see highland coos. It was good to see that this lady and the rest of her small herd are still on the Knott. The luxuriant grass is getting away from them. The impression after a week away in the cooler and even more oceanic climate of Skye, is that Spring is turning to Summer. The grass flowers are waving in the breeze, including in this shot, the delightful Quaking Grass or Shivery Shakes. In the garden, the herbaceous perennials and shrub roses are collapsing under the weight of green growth.

We had a wonderful week away, but this is such a beautiful place to come home to, even on a breezy, cool day that feels distinctly unlike the end of June. It was a long drive home yesterday, with regular stops to give Gus a stretch of the legs. The lad travelled incredibly well, without a whimper of complaint. This morning, I picked up our other lad, Bob, after 10 nights in the cattery. Even Gus looked pleased to see him.

I have put on the first of the missing blips from the last two days.

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