New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Pigeon P

Today's job was to head south back to yorkshire, however we hung around the Lakes for a bit, because you may as well enjoy it whilst you're there!  The weather was worse than forecast so we abandoned the sort-of-plan to go for a walk in Grasmere to go feed the birds at Bowness and then drove down to the aquarium of the lakes. 

As per usual, the £2.10  that we spent on bird food proved to be the best value for money item that we purchased.  We got mobbed by many swans, canada geese, ducks and pigeons.  The first being the rudest and stupidest - when taking food from your hands they tried to get your entire hand in their beaks and scattered most of the food on the floor.  The pigeons were the most polite as you can see from the blip.

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