For the family

By RonaMac

Back to the present

After two days of old pictures, we are now back to the present. 

It has been a weird week in that initially I had only one event on the calendar, then R filled two days, I was offered another hospital appointment, which I have deferred, and we planned other jobs. It’s a bit chaotic!! 

As it wasn’t raining this morning, makes a change, we went into town and took Amber. Tuesday is usually quiet so better for the doggie who gets a bit twitched when there are too many dogs about. We took her to our new quirky cafe, a first for her. There wasn’t much space under the table but she was good and enjoyed the biscuit treats which I sneaked down for her.

It was still dry this afternoon so I got a good couple of hours work done in the garden and potting shed. I haven’t had such a productive session for ages. It was good to see the the sunflower seedlings have started to appear after only 9 days.

The houses at the end of our block are nearing completion and from the potting shed I could see blokes in high viz jackets on ladders busy working away. 

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