A Blossoming Industry

On This Day In History
1912: Japanese cherry trees gifted by Tokyo Mayor Yukio Ozaki planted along the Potomac River

Quote Of The Day 
"On life's stage, always be prepared for the future."
(Yukio Ozaki)

I saw only two trees in bloom on my 22km run this afternoon. They are late. This time last year the blossoms were in full bloom.

I woke up with this on my mind this morning. I wonder if there is any connection between this and the Bayside Marketplace Mall incident? The noise this machine makes sounds very much like the noise described by several witnesses when referring to the device used by the teenagers to open the portal.

I said to AndrewNZ on my blip last Friday that this could be the year we finally get definitive proof of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. Well, in the next few hours we will be visited by an intriguing extra-terrestrial body that some people have speculated could be an alien spacecraft or drone: Ouamuamua.

A Foreign Place  

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