
By jennym999

Easter trail recce at Claremont

This morning I went with a friend to a Claremont NT gardens as she was looking after her son’s dog, a young cockapoodle. I was keen to see the Easter Trail to see if it was good and suitable for our grandchildren as the trails there vary from very good to quite poor. Our verdict was better than last year and definitely worth taking them if they have a free day in the holidays. 
This is the first of 10 stations where you have to throw carrots through the holes…and they were real carrots. It was nice and sunny for the first hour we were there but then it became cold and the rain started , however we went into the cafe! The water level on the lake there is higher than I have ever seen it and there is so much weed in it. Today there were two people getting the weed out into huge piles. 

This afternoon I went to help at gardening club. The teacher got the children to plant lots of different seeds in pots without any labelling..…I found it all rather chaotic and would have done it differently! 

This evening I am going to a talk about Marble Hill Gardens which have recently had a lot of restoration work done.

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