Magnolia buds

We saw some magnolias blooming in Victoria yesterday, so this morning I went for a very short walk down Xwaaqw'um to see if the magnificent magnolia down there was blooming. Not yet, but plenty of buds on it. Looking forward to the blooms. I was lucky to get a break in the rain, the only one so far today! This part of the tree is quite sheltered, so no raindrops on the buds.
We're having a special visitor this afternoon. He went to the junior high school where I taught and then to the high school where G taught. G coached the senior boys basketball team, and he was one of the stars, and I helped with the coaching. He was also an outstanding volleyball player. We have plenty of memories of the good times we had with him. We ran into him and his wife quite a few years ago at the ferry terminal. He's now the principal of a large school in Victoria and has been a principal for years. I'm looking forward to catching up with him and his wife.
Fellow blippers Dunnie and Chops13 were both at the same school where I taught back in the early 1980s and will remember him. And so will our daughter - they dated for a few months!  :-)

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