learning to corner

So I'm a bit of a speed demon. Give me a good straight away and no cops in sight and I like to let the ponies under the hood have a good run.
I think I'm pretty good at passing too, at least that's what my driving instructor told me when I had my learning permit at age 15. He said I was a natural racer because I didn't spend too much time out of the draught and cut back in so quickly.
So on a whim I signed up for a real racing adventure. I got 5 laps in a Porsche 911 on a real race track this morning. The instructor took me out in a pace car to explain how to follow the cones (which were already laying on their sides to look like arrows - I did not knock them down!), where to accelerate, how to brake, etc. Then we climbed into the Porsche with me in the driver's seat and off we went!
It didn't come to me as naturally as I had hoped - there's a lot to learn! But I sure had fun :-)

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