
By DDon

Father Goose

Well, our book friend has done it again. What a great book she sent me. Father Goose is the story of Canadian William Lishman (does that give you a clue as to who sent this?), who after imprinting several Canada geese hatchlings, trains them to fly with him as he leads them on an epic flight from Ontario, Canada to Virginia. He filmed some of their flights, and it is amazing to see them up close in their flight.
I am a sucker for birds, and especially geese. We live on a flyway just northwest of Baskett Slough Refuge, a major wintering ground for geese here in the Willamette Valley, and every time a flight comes over, I stop what I am doing, and watch and listen. I am captured every time.
We celebrate our birthdays as our birthday week. Yesterday was day #7, the final day of my birthday week. What a perfect gift to end it. Thanks again, friend.

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